HI !! You can call me Josa

I am a student who is studying as a fullstack developer,because I like realizing my own ideas and trying to find income from these ideas.

About me CV
Josa Pratama

About Me

In 2022, I was exposed to programming for the first time when I entered college in the first semester and we were immediately taught using the C++ language. Where when I was taught programming I was immediately interested in learning it, because my curiosity was high and I wanted to always develop. for the first time I learned autodidactically and from several courses I took online and offline, now I focus on the javscript programming language

let's be friends

If you want to know more about me to make friends or collaborate, you can visit my social media platforms below and if you want to contact me, you can go to the contact tab and contact me via email, thank you.


Personal Website

Personal Website

creating my own personal website so that it is accessible to anyone who visits it and showcases my portfolio and provides a way for potential employers or clients to contact you.

HTML Tailwind
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Address Book

Address Book

create an address book application using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is a great opportunity to practice and hone basic web development skills.

HTML Tailwind JavaScript
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Study or Productivity Tool

Study or Productivity Tool

create to develop study or productivity tools, such as Todoist or Trello. This tool will help users manage tasks, set reminders, and increase productivity.

Javascript Tailwind Mysql
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